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Meet The Speakers

Harriet Welty Rochefort

The Uniqueness of French Culture.

”Author of “French Toast”, “French Fried,” and “Joie de Vivre: Secrets of Wining, Dining, and Romancing Like the French.”

Warren Obr

Editing the News for a Global Audience.

Warren Obr, formerly a senior editor at the International Herald Tribune will talk about the IHT (now the International New York Times).

Kathleen Beckett

The Free Lance Life. 

A  frequent contributor to the New York Times, former staff writer with Harper's Bazaar, Glamour and Vogue.

Jim Peterson

A journalist, lawyer, author and professor, focusing on the serendipitous nature of career path developments and some possible techniques for being aware of and actively managing the "chances to get lucky."

Jean Leiseur

An author of a current non-fiction best seller, "Un meurtre à Georgetown.” (A Murder in Georgetown). Formerly with the French news magazines Le Point and L'Express. Founding Editor for the French global news channel, France 24.

Sarah Colten

Finding Your OWN Story On the Perfume Family Tree.

A link to her workshops and websites:

Madeleine Czigler

Covering the Fashion Scene in the World's Fashion Capital.

 A fashion and culture journalist and professor at AUP and Wells College. Formerly with Canadian Broadcasting Company.

Peter Barnet

Confessions of a Lifelong International Marketer.

An Associate Professor, American University of Paris, Former Executive VP. International Advertising, Young & Rubicam and other global ad agencies.

US Embassy Representative

Discussion with a foreign service officer from the U.S. Embassy in Paris on how the embassy deals with local and international media.

Dana Thomas

A long-time Paris correspondent for Newsweek in Paris, has also written about the luxury culture industry for a variety of publications. Her books include:  Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster.

Thomas Haley

A veteran Paris news photographer, formerly with SIPA Press, a leading French photo news agency.

Kay Rolland

A Career in Media Management.

Formerly in management posts with The Wall Street Journal Europe and the International Herald Tribune. Former Publisher of “Where-Magazine—Paris,” now an independent advertising representative.

Nelson Graves

Former international correspondent with Reuters and now the Founder and Director of News-Decoder, a new service for enabling the millennial generation break down barriers to global understanding.

Waddick Doyle

The French Media Scene.

International  Communications Professor  at the American University of Paris.

Created by: Taryn Reed

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